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the personal blog of paul vernon

Thank you for taking the time to view humblethorn. The purpose of this blog is to have an outlet to share my thoughts, quotes, ramblings and the occasional item of interest as I serve as a missionary to the Akha in Northern Thailand. Mostly, this is an outlet (in English!) for me to feel like someone out there is listening. So, to whoever you are, thank you for being my listening someone.

Many people have asked about the name "humblethorn". I would love to explain it, but I honestly don't fully understand it myself. In very simple terms, it is an identity that I have come to realize in Christ. I do not claim to be humble, rather that I am often humbled by my own weakness.

Feel free to navigate through the links on the top of this site to read more about me or just to view the photo galleries, videos, podcasts and journals about our lives with the Akha. Now... on to the posts!

End of the Spear on DVD

Monday, June 12, 2006

End of the Spear DVDIf you did not get a chance to see End of the Spear in the theatres last winter you have another chance to experience this fantastic picture. Every Tribe Entertainment's powerful film is set to release from Fox Home Entertainment tomorrow, June 13th. If you are unfamiliar with the story, here's the release:
Worlds collide and tragedy strikes as a missionary group journeys to the heart of the Amazon jungle in search of the Waodani, a tribe of fierce warriors on the brink of extinction due to revenge killings. When five of the missionary men are speared to death by tribesmen, their families are left husbandless and fatherless. Undeterred by their tremendous loss and spurred on by hope, the families decide to remain in Ecuador, and risk living among the Waodani. But the effects of that first encounter have yet to subside: A young boy, struggling to unlock the secret of his father’s death, must learn to accept a tragedy he cannot change in this powerful true story of sacrifice, courage, and reconciliation.

Available on DVD from Fox Home Entertainment starting tomorrow (June 13), End Of The Spear takes viewers deep into the heart of darkness to discover that faith and forgiveness can transcend the senseless acts of violence that stand in the way of cultural understanding.

I loved this film and was deeply moved by the story, the actors and the cinematography. This is the level of entertainment we desire for our families and I encourage you to show your support for this and other projects like it.

Hey I Knew Those Guys

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I'm out of it for a little while and everyone starts getting delusions of grandeur. -Han Solo (Listen)
Times change, people change, the world is moving quickly, but this is just strange... (whispering) I know famous people.

I guess it's the way things are, eventually you know enough people that someone becomes famous, but it seems that overnight a number of people from my school days have gone off and become famous musicians.

The most notable (because of the label, Epic Records) is The Fray, who are apparently taking the U.S. by storm with their album How to Save a Life, but also quickly climbing the list are The Films who are climbing charts with their hit Black Shoes.

I can't say much about these releases of either of these bands since I live half a world away, but the last I had heard from these guys they were playing for different bands and, for that matter, had different names (Google can be unkind if you have a very common name). However, their previous bands, Fancy's Showbox and Tinker's Punishment were both amazing, so I am certain that their new projects must be quite impressive as well.

But who am I to say? My favorite bands were the Smiley Kids and Trump Mother Jones, and they didn't get very far. I guess timing and luck play a part in the whole famous thing too.