Voices of the church :: Rick Warren
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
It brought people into the church.
It built community within the church.
It was a specific challenge to many individual lives by addressing the question "What are you living for?"
When our life purpose is in perspective, our global perspective is also aligned. Rick and his wife Kay wrote an article about the five giant problems facing the world today addressing this global worldview. A few years ago I would have written half of these off with glib remarks or even misused spiritual cliches because I would have been made uncomfortable and overwhelmed by the problems in the world. But good pastors (and good missionaries) challenge us in our comfort zones... so here is his list of giant problems that the church cannot ignore:
The Global Giants facing our World
- The first global giant is spiritual darkness.
- The second giant is the lack of servant leaders around the world.
- The third giant is poverty.
- The fourth giant is disease.
- The fifth giant is ignorance.